Renia ("Ren") Aghajani founded Rayeson Media Company in 2016. She began her journey in the creative arts at the tender age of two under the tutelage of her aunt, an acclaimed and recognized artist in her own right.
Ren began to develop her artistic sensibilities in her teen years, and this passion for creation continued well into her adult years. After studying at California State University at Northridge, she decided to transform her passion into a profession and use her talents to showcase the skills and expertise of others.
By utilizing a unique blend of digital and more traditional mediums, Ren has worked with a diverse clientele and exceeded their marketing and branding needs. Whether it be logo design, social media marketing, graphic design, or website development, Ren has the tools to handle whatever the task may entail.
Ren's acute attention to detail and ability to translate her client's needs into tangible art forms is a testament to her ability to listen and collaborate with her clients actively.
Unsurprisingly, Ren founded Raeyson Media Company as a natural expression of her creative mind. The company's clientele consists of Doctors, Lawyers, Social Media Influencers, Sports Agents, and large and small companies.
For more information, please visit @raeyson_media on Instagram or email info@raeysonmedia.com.